[SOLD OUT] Four Elements OPEN AIR w/ Madmotormiquel (Bachstelzen | Katermukke)


August 6


16:00 - 23:00

Event Website


Schnackenburgallee 202

Hamburg, Germany, 22525


Hey good souls,
are you ready to reunite with us on 06 August in Edelfettwerk?
Knowing that we can look back on these incredible moments with all the love in our hearts.

It awaits you that day with their fascinating music Madmotormiquel, Temazcal and Konz. We are grateful for all the beautiful moments, good vibes and music together.
We look forward to seeing you.

🌋 Madmotormiquel (Bachstelzen | Katermukke)

🌵Temazcal (Four Elements)

🌊 Konz (Mexico City)

Limited to 150 Tickets:

[ DE ]
Covid Regeln:
➡️ Mund-Nasen-Schutz für Einlass, Bar und Toilette
➡️ Registrierung am Eingang mit der Partymate- oder Luca-App
➡️ Ein amtliches Ausweisdokument (z. B. Personalausweis, Führerschein oder Reisepass)
➡️ Ein negativer Corona-Test (nicht älter als 48h) von einer offiziellen Teststelle, ein vollständiger Impf- oder Genesungsnachweis

[ EN ]
Covid Rules:
➡️ Mouth-nose protection for entrance, bar and toilet.
➡️ Registration at the entrance with the Partymate or Luca app.
➡️ An official identification document (e.g. ID card, driver’s license or passport)
➡️ A negative covid test (not older than 48h) from an official testing center, a complete proof of vaccination or recovery.

Only good vibes. Only lovely people.